Risk Management in Adult Care E-Learning

The Risk Management in Adult Social Care course is structured to enhance understanding and implementation of effective risk management strategies within adult social care settings.

Delivery Method: Online E-Learning
Duration: 2 Hours
Assessment: Online Assessment
Certification: CPD Accredited
Valid for: 1 year


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The Risk Management in Adult Social Care course is structured to enhance understanding and implementation of effective risk management strategies within adult social care settings.

The course begins by discussing the concept of positive risk-taking, encouraging a proactive approach to risk that supports independence and empowerment. It then addresses the challenges posed by a risk-averse culture in care settings, emphasizing the need for a balanced perspective that integrates safety with clients’ rights and freedoms. As the course progresses, participants will learn about various tools for risk management that can help in making informed decisions. There is a thorough exploration of relevant policies, procedures, and their benefits, ensuring that all actions are well-grounded in current best practices. The course wraps up with practical guidance on how to assess and manage risks effectively while maintaining a balanced approach that respects the needs and preferences of individuals in care.

Who is it for?

This course is ideal for professionals working in adult social care, including care managers, supervisors, and frontline care providers. It is also beneficial for policymakers and trainers in the health and social care sectors, equipping them with the necessary skills to foster environments that safely promote autonomy and empowerment for individuals in care.

Course Modules

Module 01: Positive Risk Taking
Module 02: Risk-Averse Culture
Module 03: Balancing Risks and Rights
Module 04: Tools for Risk Management
Module 05: Policies, Procedures and Benefits
Module 06: Assess and Manage
Module 07: Guidance and Balanced Approach

Certification Information

Duration and Assessment: The course lasts 2 hours, accounting for participant interaction and engagement. It includes assessments to ensure proficiency in the skills taught.

Certification: Participants receive a CPD at Work accredited Risk Management in Adult Care certificate upon successful completion. This will be valid for 1 year.

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Risk Management in Adult Care E-Learning