Working in Confined Spaces Training E-Learning

Delivery Method: Online E-Learning
Duration: 2 hours
Assessment: Online Assessment
Certification: CPD Accredited
Valid for: 1 year


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Employees and contractors who work in confined spaces are often at great risk of injury and long-lasting ailments. Therefore it is the obligation of every employer and employee to understand the dangers that exist to the human body in a confined space, and how to deal with the issues they may encounter.
This Working in Confined Spaces course is designed for employees and employers, who are part of a workforce that regularly needs to access and work in cramped or small areas. It documents the UK legislation and laws that protect workers and the way in which the risks can be assessed mitigated. It also covers the many ways you can check for dangers in the air and environment, and what the appropriate protective measures will be.
By the end of the course, you’ll have a good understanding of what a confined space actually is, and the dangers that exist there. You’ll know what you need to do if you or your workers are at risk, and who to contact in an emergency.
Who should take the course
This course will train and inform individuals who work in confined spaces or are responsible for workers that do so. Examples would include;
  • Dockworkers
  • Miners
  • Sewage workers
  • Maintenance workers
  • Construction site workers

Learning Outcomes
This course covers the following:

  • Identify the legislation in place in the UK for workers in confined spaces.
  • Perform advanced risk assessment for a confined space (lack of oxygen, fire risk, etc.)
  • Put measures in place to protect themselves and others in a confined space.
  • Perform the necessary emergency procedures.
  • Show an awareness of the available safety equipment and apparatus needed to work safely.

Course Modules

Module 01: Working in Confined Spaces and the Laws
Module 02: Risk Assessment
Module 03: Control Measures
Module 04: Emergency Procedures

Certification Information

Duration and Assessment: The course lasts 3 hours, accounting for participant interaction and engagement. It includes assessments to ensure proficiency in the skills taught.

Certification: Participants receive a CPD at Work accredited Working in Confined Spaces Training certificate upon successful completion. This will be valid for 1 year.

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Working in Confined Spaces Training E-Learning